
The Direct Care Industry is a joke.

I've been a DSP worker at a day program for folks with intellectual disabilities in Southern California for a few years now and it's insane how the pandemic has leveled this field. It was already iffy before COVID, but it truly is a pain in the ass to come into work. Started working here in 2018 and have not seen a raise since that same year. We've gotten absolutely nothing from management besides occasional “employee parties” that are mainly set up by us. I quickly learned to call out on those days. We were fully staffed just before the pandemic and quickly have reduced in numbers since. The few people we have been able to hire & keep, I hate to say, should not be working with the disabled. This job has only confirmed to me & my wife that we would never want to have a child with a…

I've been a DSP worker at a day program for folks with intellectual disabilities in Southern California for a few years now and it's insane how the pandemic has leveled this field. It was already iffy before COVID, but it truly is a pain in the ass to come into work.

Started working here in 2018 and have not seen a raise since that same year. We've gotten absolutely nothing from management besides occasional “employee parties” that are mainly set up by us. I quickly learned to call out on those days. We were fully staffed just before the pandemic and quickly have reduced in numbers since. The few people we have been able to hire & keep, I hate to say, should not be working with the disabled.

This job has only confirmed to me & my wife that we would never want to have a child with a disability. There's no way I could trust anyone to care for my child knowing what I know from working here. This absolutely kills me. Therapy has definitely helped, but it can only help so much. Criminally underpaid, overworked. We only recently were able to get full time, but I believe management is using that as an accuse to not give us a raise.

For $16 an hour would you: Assist with feedings, bathroom trips, handle MAJOR behavior outbursts? I've been punched, kicked, scratched, yelled at, and a lot more.

Would love to hear from other DSPs, have you given up? Was made to believe I was here to try and help these people, but in reality this is a glorified baby sitting job.

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