
My company laid me off with 2 days notice….then asked me to train a replacement

Last week I received 48hrs notice that I would be laid off. I was given a generous (CEO’s words) severance of 2 weeks. While I understand that they seem to be hemorrhaging money and floundering, that felt like a blow based on what an integral role (and lengthy job description) I had carried. I spent my last two days with the company franticly organizing all my Google Drive files, and putting together a presentation explaining how to do everything I routinely did for them. I also put together a status for all the projects I was on that weren’t finished. I really hustled to make sure everything I used and needed was set up so that they could pick up where I left off if needed. All of that aside, I was content, and hopeful for a chance to find a new opportunity. Then they asked that I send the…

Last week I received 48hrs notice that I would be laid off. I was given a generous (CEO’s words) severance of 2 weeks. While I understand that they seem to be hemorrhaging money and floundering, that felt like a blow based on what an integral role (and lengthy job description) I had carried. I spent my last two days with the company franticly organizing all my Google Drive files, and putting together a presentation explaining how to do everything I routinely did for them. I also put together a status for all the projects I was on that weren’t finished. I really hustled to make sure everything I used and needed was set up so that they could pick up where I left off if needed.

All of that aside, I was content, and hopeful for a chance to find a new opportunity. Then they asked that I send the monitor they bought me as well as my laptop back to them. I explained that all the company files were in Google Drive, shared with the appropriate superiors who may need them. No, they said they needed the physical computer. No option for me to buy it back, or take the cost out of my final paycheck. That sucked, but I understood. I’d buy a new one, I guess.

Then, a week after my final day I got an email.
“Hi Daveisbrave,

Thank you for the great work you have done for our company. It has been a great pleasure and experience working with you on various projects. I am sorry to see you go, and wish you the best of luck on future endeavors.

Do you have time on Friday at 2-3pm PT to walk me and X through all the on hand work for marketing support and social media? Old Boss told CEO and I that you have created a presentation for the work you have done and supported here. We would like to take some time to understand the work better, and continue supporting these tasks.

Please also propose a new time if Friday 2-3pm does not work for you.

Head Honcho Person”

No talk of compensation, barely 24hrs notice for this requested training. Also, they had told me they were essentially gutting my section of the company so I wasn’t under the impression they were going to find a replacement??

I started to lose it at this point. Seriously?! I mean come on, have some decency.

So I responded:

“Hi Head Honcho Person,

I appreciate the kind words. Old Boss has all the materials X will need, including the training materials Person Before Me shared with me when I started.


To which they said:

“Hi Daveisbrave,

I am asking for a transition session to have you walk me and X through what needs to be done to support marketing and social media. CEO wants me to reach out to you for details, because you are the one writing the documentation and implementing the work. I hope this makes sense to you. Do you have time for this session? Thanks.”

At that point I absolutely lost it. Between the tone, absolutely ignorance over what a gut punch the layoff with no notice and minimal severance had been, and the fact that now they decided they actually did need me but weren’t offering to hire me back, and still no offer of any compensation??

So here was my response:

“Hi Head Honcho Person,

I totally understand what you are asking of me and I would be happy to provide this for you. However given that I am no longer an employee and referencing previous conversations regarding my laptop which has now been deemed company property with no buyback option, I would be happy to provide 1 to 3 training/orientation sessions if Company Name would be willing to reimburse me the cost of a new laptop that I will now need to purchase, or allow me to keep my current laptop since all company files are on Google Drive.


They haven’t responded and I don’t care if they do. It felt great to press send.

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