
Job Offer Rescinded When I Asked to Negotiate Pay

Yesterday I received a job offer I was pretty excited about. The pay was a little on the lower end (and hourly where I'd expected a salary), so I asked if they could increase it by about 10%, thinking that we'd settle on about 5% and I would be happy. It was clearly one of those cases where they want someone with transferrable experience but not experience in the field, so they don't have to pay a lot but also don't have to completely train someone in foundational skills. I was okay with this, because it seemed like a very good opportunity. I just wanted to make a bit more per hour. Instead, the HR director sounded offended, and then a couple hours later emailed me that they rescinded the job offer. I figure that in the long run I dodged a bullet, since they obviously don't want employees who…

Yesterday I received a job offer I was pretty excited about. The pay was a little on the lower end (and hourly where I'd expected a salary), so I asked if they could increase it by about 10%, thinking that we'd settle on about 5% and I would be happy. It was clearly one of those cases where they want someone with transferrable experience but not experience in the field, so they don't have to pay a lot but also don't have to completely train someone in foundational skills. I was okay with this, because it seemed like a very good opportunity. I just wanted to make a bit more per hour.

Instead, the HR director sounded offended, and then a couple hours later emailed me that they rescinded the job offer.

I figure that in the long run I dodged a bullet, since they obviously don't want employees who advocate for themselves. In the short term, I'm disappointed because it means I'm stuck with my current awful boss for a while longer.

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