
Employer refused my time off request, what do I do now?

So at the end of June I put in a request for two days at the end of July for my birthday. They finally got back to me today, rejecting it with the reason being that I’ll need to ask for a shift swap instead as I apparently have no availability for holiday even though I’ve still got a balance of over 60 hours left. I immediately got in touch with my manager, who explained that they weren’t the one who refused it and that the actual reason may be because too many people are taking holiday those days (which I find unbelievable since it’s a Sunday and Monday). I then asked about a potential shift swap, to which they then replied that I’ll have to ask my colleagues if they’d be willing to do so. Isn’t this the job of the manager to sort out?

So at the end of June I put in a request for two days at the end of July for my birthday. They finally got back to me today, rejecting it with the reason being that I’ll need to ask for a shift swap instead as I apparently have no availability for holiday even though I’ve still got a balance of over 60 hours left.

I immediately got in touch with my manager, who explained that they weren’t the one who refused it and that the actual reason may be because too many people are taking holiday those days (which I find unbelievable since it’s a Sunday and Monday). I then asked about a potential shift swap, to which they then replied that I’ll have to ask my colleagues if they’d be willing to do so. Isn’t this the job of the manager to sort out?

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