
I almost quit mid shift today

I am an insurance adjuster for a midsized insurance company that does about 5ish billion in profit a year. Today I get an email my from supervisor letting me know that I needed to prioritize a certain type of work. When I explain that it was literally impossible to keep up with the metrics they set forth, I was then told that I was deflecting yet again and not taking responsibility for my actions. Mind you, this same supervisor changes what my priority should be every 3 days or so, then tells me I’m wrong doing exactly what I was told. We’re short staffed, working claim loads 3 times the amount we should be, and my co-workers are all getting burnt out by the constant 100 mph pace we’re expected to follow. After telling me I was deflecting yet again, it’s a big go to for them when I point…

I am an insurance adjuster for a midsized insurance company that does about 5ish billion in profit a year.

Today I get an email my from supervisor letting me know that I needed to prioritize a certain type of work. When I explain that it was literally impossible to keep up with the metrics they set forth, I was then told that I was deflecting yet again and not taking responsibility for my actions. Mind you, this same supervisor changes what my priority should be every 3 days or so, then tells me I’m wrong doing exactly what I was told.

We’re short staffed, working claim loads 3 times the amount we should be, and my co-workers are all getting burnt out by the constant 100 mph pace we’re expected to follow.

After telling me I was deflecting yet again, it’s a big go to for them when I point out flaws in their system, they tell me they’re going to set a time aside to address my concerns outlined in the email reply to them before my “deflecting”. Less than an hour later the meeting gets canceled because they would be out of the office and no new meeting is set.

Fast forward about 3 hours, I get a dm telling me to do something that I had been advised to do earlier this week. When I confirm that I have already begun doing this, I get an immediate reply to ask next time. Mcfuckingscuse me? I foresaw what I was already going to be asked and did it but instead of a good job it’s do better next time.

I also get constantly told that my opinion about anything I bring up doesn’t matter. My actual job consists solely of me providing opinion based on facts provided from a loss.

I present video evidence that a claim should be posted liability wise one way, and it’s irrefutable because I have actual video of the crash. Nope your opinion and this video doesn’t matter. This is what I say so it goes.

I present math showing the metrics don’t make sense math wise. Doesn’t matter stop deflecting.

Oh boy that opinion matters heavily though when they don’t know how to do something and ask me to train them on it. Then they go and present that training as having figured it out on their own.

TLDR: My 12 year old son understands my job, and time flow better than my supervisor.

Ps I can’t spell for shit so I don’t wanna hear it lol

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