
Failed product launch because of ops person/lack of leadership.

Disclaimer: I tried to quit two weeks ago but agreed I’d stick around for 2 more months to finish a product launch. The owner of the company is a friend. I’ve been working with a brand since February and I’ve never seen this much incompetency in my entire career. They hired a sales person for 9 months and this person produced no new accounts, I signed into their email to find they sent a combined 3 emails for the entirety of their time at the company. The person who had my position prior to me lost the Facebook password (this is the director of marketing mind you), it took me 3 weeks fighting with Facebook to get into the account. Another person left and didn’t train the new person to check the general email address. We decided to launch new products and the head of ops is two months late…

Disclaimer: I tried to quit two weeks ago but agreed I’d stick around for 2 more months to finish a product launch. The owner of the company is a friend.

I’ve been working with a brand since February and I’ve never seen this much incompetency in my entire career. They hired a sales person for 9 months and this person produced no new accounts, I signed into their email to find they sent a combined 3 emails for the entirety of their time at the company. The person who had my position prior to me lost the Facebook password (this is the director of marketing mind you), it took me 3 weeks fighting with Facebook to get into the account. Another person left and didn’t train the new person to check the general email address. We decided to launch new products and the head of ops is two months late and I just received the new samples and every label is ripped and warped bc of the application process- 50,000 products now have to be resleeved. I head marketing/design and I did my job:designed the labels, managed all incoming requests best I could, deck building etc. The owner, a friend, had told me that they needed help with sales as they were going to hire someone but it was taking some time. I stepped in and did the best I could assuming the sales role. So now it is a 2 person team, myself and the ops person who is in over their head, and I’m in charge of three roles, and have 3 summer interns I have to babysit. I snapped today. No matter how hard I try to salvage this launch or end on a positive note, this is impossible to do alone. The owner has been unreachable because she has Covid and will be traveling for a month starting next week. Tell me I’m not crazy please.

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