
How much time and fuel/bus tickets does it take to get to and from work?

If you also had to be compensated for the time it takes to get ready for work and drive in, how much extra would you be earning? I guess this is also asking how much comes out of pocket we you are to be sent back to the offices instead of working remotely. Those that can't afford a car or just don't want to drive (particularly for environmental reasons) et cetera, how much extra time does your commute take and does it also impact your employment when taking public transport is seen as making you unreliable?

If you also had to be compensated for the time it takes to get ready for work and drive in, how much extra would you be earning? I guess this is also asking how much comes out of pocket we you are to be sent back to the offices instead of working remotely.

Those that can't afford a car or just don't want to drive (particularly for environmental reasons) et cetera, how much extra time does your commute take and does it also impact your employment when taking public transport is seen as making you unreliable?

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