
Just got my workplace abuser’s phone number years after she destroyed my life. Any ideas on pranks/revenge?

So in 2019 I worked in a healthcare/mental illness residential setting. I worked there since 2013, I loved it. First thing I've ever been good at, trained hard for it, got multiple promotions. It was my income, source of pride and self-esteem, social life, career, it was everything to me. My life revolved around my job because I just loved it so much. I got unwell in 2017, first presentation of PTSD. Started acting out, drinking, reckless behaviour etc etc. Fell in love with a co-worker. Helped each other get out of our respective abusive relationships. It was pretty messy. Behaved inappropriately at work on night shifts (no sex, just horseplay). Took an inappropriate picture of my ass bent over the desk, and my partner took a dick pic at work when alone and sent it to me. All really stupid shit. We both went into therapy, got better, disclosed…

So in 2019 I worked in a healthcare/mental illness residential setting. I worked there since 2013, I loved it. First thing I've ever been good at, trained hard for it, got multiple promotions. It was my income, source of pride and self-esteem, social life, career, it was everything to me. My life revolved around my job because I just loved it so much.
I got unwell in 2017, first presentation of PTSD. Started acting out, drinking, reckless behaviour etc etc. Fell in love with a co-worker. Helped each other get out of our respective abusive relationships. It was pretty messy. Behaved inappropriately at work on night shifts (no sex, just horseplay). Took an inappropriate picture of my ass bent over the desk, and my partner took a dick pic at work when alone and sent it to me. All really stupid shit. We both went into therapy, got better, disclosed our relationship to management, got our shifts separated and deleted any photos. Case closed. What we did was dumb. But we realised it and worked to fix it. We never intended to hurt anybody.

Fast forward two years. We've been getting harassed by co-workers for a while. My partner's ex wife has basically recruited flying monkeys via friends in our workplace to spy on us and report our activities back to her so she can use it to send us abusive messages. One co-worker, in particular, takes it too far multiple times. Stalking outside of work, stealing our things, calling my parents with abusive messages, etc. It dies down for a while when we move in together. We never have any proof that it's her, so management won't do anything.
July 2019 – this co-worker takes it to the max. I accidentally leave my FB open at work and go home. She goes into my FB, goes into me and my partner's messages, into the shared photos, and finds the stupid photos we took that I thought I had deleted (no idea they had been stored in there). She makes copies of them and shares them around the workplace for three weeks. She also keeps the photos open on the screen for the next shift to see, and when she comes back on, she and other staff members go through all our pictures (many of them being intimate within our own home) and all of our messages.
Three weeks later, it comes out during a meeting. I'm not at the meeting, and find out when my partner comes home. Only then does she send the pictures to our management. Management then tries to accuse us of sexual relations at work, despite us not consenting to them having the images. They even send the pics to an HR company without our consent. They tell any staff members that if they talk to us about it, they will be disciplined. The coworker claims I was viewing the images at work, and she simply came across them. Tells management she's scared of my partner and doesn't want us to know it was her. Runs a massive smear campaign against my partner. Police investigate, but can't be bothered pressing charges (No 'public' interest). Long story short, a 9-month legal battle ensues. We end up going to mediation where we are threatened with a Calderbank offer and an NDA contract. We get paid out. During this time, my partner tries to kill himself. I get addicted to sedatives and opiates and overdosed twice. I still can't work now because of additional PTSD. While I'm doing ok now and am in recovery, I'm still incredibly traumatised. My partner is working again, but it has taken a huge toll on us both. We have struggled financially since this happened. Our payout was used to pay back loans that helped us survive.

Fast forward to 2022. An old work friend of mine runs into this woman on the street. Ex co-worker proceeds to tell her that we were fucking at work, got a huge payout (we never told anyone, so super weird she knows), and that we are basically just scum of the earth. My friend gets her number, calls me up, tells me what happened, and gives me co-worker's number.
This woman single-handedly nearly killed me and my partner, fucked with our minds, sexually harassed us, abused us, stalked us, called my parents up with abusive messages about me being a whore, happily works as a henchwoman for a domestic abuser, ruined our careers, left us destitute, terrified my family, laughed about it, still gossips about us, does similar things to other people, etc etc. She is the most horrible fucking person I have ever met. She is a 60-something-year-old, bitter, twisted, evil person. While I would never wish harm on anybody, I wouldn't mind playing some form of prank here.

Does anybody have any good ideas for pranks/calls/revenge, now that I have her number? Any ideas are welcome. Thanks, everybody.

PS: This is a very short and condensed version of what happened. When I go into detail, it just gets worse and worse. I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, so if I'm in the wrong, I'd love it if someone can point me toward a more appropriate forum. Sorry about any spelling or grammar, I'm still shaky from hearing about this from my friend.

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