
My job backstabbed me and I feel disgusted.

I'm so disgusted. I struggle with long term depression and anxiety and everyone at my job was always super understanding. In the last weeks everyone was weird around me so tonight I decided to confront my manager about it. Before I got the chance to, HR came in and they said they need to meet me. So I sit down with them and I'm like this isn't going to end well. They gave me an official write-up. They asked me if how I feel about my job. I told them I love it (I do) but right now everyone is weird with me, and I told them one employee recently downplayed my depression as I refused to participate in afterwork activities because I didn't feel well. The paper then says even though I'm tired I can't let it affect my relationship with customers and employees. The first ridiculous point on…

I'm so disgusted. I struggle with long term depression and anxiety and everyone at my job was always super understanding.

In the last weeks everyone was weird around me so tonight I decided to confront my manager about it. Before I got the chance to, HR came in and they said they need to meet me. So I sit down with them and I'm like this isn't going to end well. They gave me an official write-up.

They asked me if how I feel about my job. I told them I love it (I do) but right now everyone is weird with me, and I told them one employee recently downplayed my depression as I refused to participate in afterwork activities because I didn't feel well. The paper then says even though I'm tired I can't let it affect my relationship with customers and employees.

The first ridiculous point on this paper is the fact that recently I've been sitting in my car until 5 mins before my shift to come in. Like if i'm not paid, yall aren't going to make me come in earlier. Also, apparently I make inappropriate comments to employees, but all those comments are in answer to other stuff my colleagues say.

They also say I spend too much time on my phone and in the back. Like, my colleagues make tiktoks while at work but I'm in the wrong for taking two minutes to myself so I don't have a panic attack in front of customers. Other stuff they said: I'm rude with customers (based on what customers have reported, which is bullshit), I complain about my tasks (I did as a joke while doing a task, like everyone there) and other dumb stuff.

I know the guy who probably told all of this to HR since in the month or so he stopped being friendly with me. I can't believe they are doing this to me, I have two years of experience for them (I'm almost 20) and I did so much for them. I went to cover other store's shifts even if they are kinda far from me, and I even trained a new guy in my old store which I hate because of the manager there.

They ended the meeting with “solutions”:
– find a therapist (to which I told them I don't have the means)
– ask for a leave (I answered that it would to nothing to help and I wouldn't be paid enough)
– get admitted into psychiatry (like they would even help, they would take away my medication for chronic back pain and have me sit in a room for like 3 days)

I'm worth more than this. Time for a new job.

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