
My coworker got fired because of a broken ankle

I’ll make the story short. Said coworker had worked at this retail center for about a year. He usually rode his skateboard to and from work. On this particular day for his lunch break he rode on his skateboard to Chik-Fil-A which is in the same parking lot as the store. I don’t know the EXACT details but he fell on his way over and broke his ankle. He had to be taken to the hospital and got put in a cast. Unfortunately the recovery process would be long and he let the managers know everything. The managers got a card for all us to sign and send well wishes and a speedy recovery. Everything was fine until cooperate basically sent an email to him stating that if he wasn’t back after x amount of time he would be terminated. Well, that day came he got fired. All of my…

I’ll make the story short. Said coworker had worked at this retail center for about a year. He usually rode his skateboard to and from work. On this particular day for his lunch break he rode on his skateboard to Chik-Fil-A which is in the same parking lot as the store. I don’t know the EXACT details but he fell on his way over and broke his ankle. He had to be taken to the hospital and got put in a cast. Unfortunately the recovery process would be long and he let the managers know everything. The managers got a card for all us to sign and send well wishes and a speedy recovery. Everything was fine until cooperate basically sent an email to him stating that if he wasn’t back after x amount of time he would be terminated. Well, that day came he got fired. All of my co workers were understandably upset including me. I don’t understand how he was just supposed to be up and ready to work by said time? Like his ankle would magically just heal itself by the time the deadline rolled around. This situation took place almost a month ago but I still think about how ridiculous it all was.

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