
cleaned a church lady’s house, she tried me hard

A lady at my mom's church asked me to come clean her house which was supposed to be for $125 and complains no one will come out to her house and she lives too far out in the country. I said I would and asked what day/time she says Tuesday at 10am. I drive all the way out there and start cleaning then she adds so much stuff on like hanging curtains, doing laundry, unpacking storage boxes (on top of cleaning the house). It takes about 2 hrs to clean a small home and up to 4 for a large messy home with kids and stuff. I'm there for almost 7 hours and im ready to go so I ask for my money and she says she can only do 75. I'm like irritated by then and she adds oh no I can't get it to you until Friday! So…

A lady at my mom's church asked me to come clean her house which was supposed to be for $125 and complains no one will come out to her house and she lives too far out in the country. I said I would and asked what day/time she says Tuesday at 10am. I drive all the way out there and start cleaning then she adds so much stuff on like hanging curtains, doing laundry, unpacking storage boxes (on top of cleaning the house). It takes about 2 hrs to clean a small home and up to 4 for a large messy home with kids and stuff. I'm there for almost 7 hours and im ready to go so I ask for my money and she says she can only do 75. I'm like irritated by then and she adds oh no I can't get it to you until Friday! So I reluctantly said ok. Friday comes I tell her my husband is leaving for work soon and I need the money. She says she's with her granddaughter and can't do it now. I send her my address and tell her to bring it by that day and I won't have my phone cuz my husband and I share it. At 5 my son comes home and I use his phone to call husband and he says she sent a message that she was outside an hour ago. I get her number and ask why she didn't knock? She said but I texted. Im like who “supposedly” comes to your house to pay you money and doesn't knock or blow the horn? There's literally a wall of wood between us! That's it!
She says she just ordered food and can I do it tomorrow. I said no I needed it Tuesday! She says fine I'll cancel my dinner! I said thank you. And yeah she came back. But what a piece of work

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