
Jon hopping

I see a lot of posts on here about people job hopping and getting massive increases for similar or same title. Why do businesses refuse to fight to retain employees? It seems so strange. The cat is out of the bag and the great reshuffling is getting everyone raises. So why not fight back and try to retain employees by adjusting salaries to market? I for one was forced to leave a job I loved because my company refused to adjust my salary to market. I hated leaving but I couldn’t eat the discount any longer.

I see a lot of posts on here about people job hopping and getting massive increases for similar or same title. Why do businesses refuse to fight to retain employees? It seems so strange. The cat is out of the bag and the great reshuffling is getting everyone raises. So why not fight back and try to retain employees by adjusting salaries to market?

I for one was forced to leave a job I loved because my company refused to adjust my salary to market. I hated leaving but I couldn’t eat the discount any longer.

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