
Brother fired for missing work for family death 7/4.

Hi there! Venting here because idk what to do with all my fury. My grandmother (F82) had been living at my mom’s (F50s) home with my brother, sister, & me (M23, F19, F26) for the past month. This Monday she suffered a sudden aortic rupture & entered the ER in the early morning & ultimately passed away a few hours later. That is the context, I am not sure how much is relevant but essentially we are all very close and live together. Little brother (M23) is/was employed @ local bakery. Literally several hours before he was scheduled on Monday he texted his direct manager asking if he needed to come in to work as things were not looking optimistic with grandma. The manager replied something along the lines of “Don’t even worry about us here! Obviously take care of family etc.” Tuesday morning direct manager’s manager texted my brother…

Hi there! Venting here because idk what to do with all my fury.

My grandmother (F82) had been living at my mom’s (F50s) home with my brother, sister, & me (M23, F19, F26) for the past month. This Monday she suffered a sudden aortic rupture & entered the ER in the early morning & ultimately passed away a few hours later. That is the context, I am not sure how much is relevant but essentially we are all very close and live together.

Little brother (M23) is/was employed @ local bakery. Literally several hours before he was scheduled on Monday he texted his direct manager asking if he needed to come in to work as things were not looking optimistic with grandma. The manager replied something along the lines of “Don’t even worry about us here! Obviously take care of family etc.”

Tuesday morning direct manager’s manager texted my brother terminating him as his absence the previous day was “unexcused” & it was his 3rd strike or something. Brother was pretty unaffected and not eager to fight for a job that would be willing to dismiss him like that & responded with “do you know why I wasn’t there?” Boss man never replied.

My little brother was literally fired the day after our grandma died for missing work. I’m curious about legality and astounded by the audacity.

Wowza f**************k work. Apologies for the grammar pls b kind.

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