
Was I harassed?

(Unfortunately) picked up a job at a Motel… not too bad (so far lol). We all know how that goes. But during training, the Head of Housekeeping lady slipped me a note saying “I wanna f*ck ” as I was working the front desk. A co-worker of ours noticed & stood over smiling as well. I kinda laughed it off & said something flirty back out of pure nervousness. I was uncomfortable, but maybe I’m overreacting? Me being a (M22) and her being (F40), I’m truly not interested. Not my type either. She’s also married, unfortunately for her Husband. I’m friendly but she’s clearly friendlier, so I’m thinking I may have led her on? Casual flirtatious banter typically takes place amongst all of us; we’re a pretty indecent crowd of staff, but I was taken aback by that note. And she was dead serious too, might I add. Idk if…

(Unfortunately) picked up a job at a Motel… not too bad (so far lol). We all know how that goes.

But during training, the Head of Housekeeping lady slipped me a note saying “I wanna f*ck ” as I was working the front desk. A co-worker of ours noticed & stood over smiling as well. I kinda laughed it off & said something flirty back out of pure nervousness. I was uncomfortable, but maybe I’m overreacting?

Me being a (M22) and her being (F40), I’m truly not interested. Not my type either. She’s also married, unfortunately for her Husband.

I’m friendly but she’s clearly friendlier, so I’m thinking I may have led her on? Casual flirtatious banter typically takes place amongst all of us; we’re a pretty indecent crowd of staff, but I was taken aback by that note. And she was dead serious too, might I add.

Idk if saying something may jeopardize my employment because she is pretty high up. I’m not the best at communication, I actually suck so I’ve been dodging her since then.

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