
How to best approach HR about my god awful supervisor.

Hi Reddit. I have posted to this community before, but not any time super recently. So, onto the problem at hand. I recently (06/28) had a bowel resection surgery. For anyone unaware, it's where they remove part of your intestines. I had 5 feet of my intestines removed during this procedure &, needless to say, recovery has been BRUTAL. I'm aching, I'm crabby, I'm bleeding. It's a mess; I'm a mess. So, on July 5, I noticed discharge around my sutures. I went to the ER with my husband. I let my boss know immediately of the situation & also that I wouldn't be back until today, 07/08. I also sent the ER forms to the head of our HR department, head of my specific department, & to my direct supervisor. I got called, I'm not even kidding, 34 TIMES YESTERDAY ASKING WHY I WASN'T AT WORK. I explained that…

Hi Reddit.

I have posted to this community before, but not any time super recently.

So, onto the problem at hand. I recently (06/28) had a bowel resection surgery. For anyone unaware, it's where they remove part of your intestines. I had 5 feet of my intestines removed during this procedure &, needless to say, recovery has been BRUTAL. I'm aching, I'm crabby, I'm bleeding. It's a mess; I'm a mess.

So, on July 5, I noticed discharge around my sutures. I went to the ER with my husband. I let my boss know immediately of the situation & also that I wouldn't be back until today, 07/08. I also sent the ER forms to the head of our HR department, head of my specific department, & to my direct supervisor.

I got called, I'm not even kidding, 34 TIMES YESTERDAY ASKING WHY I WASN'T AT WORK. I explained that I sent in the paperwork needed to cover my absence & to please respect that I am trying to heal, rest, & get ready for my return today.

This morning, I get to work & my boss began making rude comments towards myself & my coworker. My coworker has been out for 3 weeks due to an emergency with her spouse. It was unexpected & she took FMLA for her time off. I let my company know back in February when I was hired that I had surgery scheduled & would need 7-10 days off work with the restriction that I don't do any lifting over 15 lbs. My boss proceeds to make comments about how we must have taken off work on purpose so close to each other because we just don't like her & didn't wanna be here.

First off, I let them know when I interviewed about the surgery. Second, my coworker's husband had a heart attack. I doubt that was planned. My coworker & I both let her know that we didn't appreciate her saying that & she said she was just kidding. Then she had my coworker take some of the kids we work with out into the community. It was my turn to prepare lunch for the kids still here. I was literally on my knees trying to get something out of the fridge to get some of their drinks that, for god knows what reason, my boss shoved on the bottom shelf to the very back. I finally managed to grab the drinks, but my boss said I needed to hurry up. I asked if she would please help me since I was in excruciating pain & she said verbatim, 'If you're strong enough to get on the floor, you are strong enough to get off the floor.' I was in tears at this point & managed to pull myself up but not without taking a minute to compose myself.

She left me alone for the most part after that, up until literally just 5 minutes ago. She came up & asked me if I could come to the office. I said sure.

She shut the door & asked me to show her my stitches as proof I got surgery.

I'm sorry, what? I had no idea what to say to that so I just walked out. She then texted me saying I was out of line to walk off like that & she is going to write me up.

I am trying to get ahead of this as much as I can. How in the world do I even approach this with HR????

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