
I just got fired in a very unprofessional manner

I worked at a subway, didn’t like the manager, she never planned ahead, never answered her phone, blamed everyone but herself for stuff that was her fault. She sends the schedule out every Wednesday after not receiving a schedule this past Wednesday I messaged her and emailed her about what I worked this week she did not answer not a surprise there, then I called my coworker sent me a picture of the schedule I wasn’t on it, and then I asked him to ask the manager if I was fired. But 10 minutes later he text me back saying I was fired for being lazy. I was the hardest working person there for the least amount of pay, I came on these that I wasn’t even supposed to come at nine because people asked me to cover for them. I did other peoples work when they asked me to…

I worked at a subway, didn’t like the manager, she never planned ahead, never answered her phone, blamed everyone but herself for stuff that was her fault.

She sends the schedule out every Wednesday after not receiving a schedule this past Wednesday I messaged her and emailed her about what I worked this week she did not answer not a surprise there, then I called my coworker sent me a picture of the schedule I wasn’t on it, and then I asked him to ask the manager if I was fired.
But 10 minutes later he text me back saying I was fired for being lazy.

I was the hardest working person there for the least amount of pay, I came on these that I wasn’t even supposed to come at nine because people asked me to cover for them.
I did other peoples work when they asked me to the questions asked.
I did the managers work, no complaints.
I trained the new guy, no complaints.
I worked of ass off, was overly nice to customers even the impatient and rude ones.
I let her get away with a few health code violations, and the fact that she didn’t have a first aid kit when I got injured at work, I ended up cutting my hand open and taping a paper towel to my hand for 8 hours I was bleeding and in mild pain, but I didn’t complain.
And yet she claims I was rude, disrespectful, and “ lazy fuck” we’re her words, when I didn’t even talk much other then to Customers.
I even saved her from getting a parking ticket once.

I called HR, she is now under investigation, because she had her kids in the back of the store hitting me and the other workers, tripping us and more. And for a few health code violation.
I don’t want my job back, I liked the work but hate the manager.
I was her to see that she fucked up 🙂

TL;DR: got fired for bs reason and (without even being told I was fired) even though I did more then was I was paid to do and deal with.

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