
Hello friends, please stop glorifying Europe.

It is not the paradise that many American people imagine it to be. Working class people are very much so exploited in most places in Europe, not as much as in America but still… glorifying Europe is not the answer. While I would say generally working conditions are better here, at least in Ireland where I live it still doesn't change the fact that the working class is being ignored at best and oppressed at worst. I see a lot of memes about certain benefits European workers enjoy and they seem to be misunderstood or greatly exaggerated. I'm not here really to go into specifics as obviously different countries in Europe function differently, this is just a bit of a rant. We are still wage slaves, we are just treated a bit better. Don't glorify Europe, we can do better than that.

It is not the paradise that many American people imagine it to be. Working class people are very much so exploited in most places in Europe, not as much as in America but still… glorifying Europe is not the answer.

While I would say generally working conditions are better here, at least in Ireland where I live it still doesn't change the fact that the working class is being ignored at best and oppressed at worst.

I see a lot of memes about certain benefits European workers enjoy and they seem to be misunderstood or greatly exaggerated.

I'm not here really to go into specifics as obviously different countries in Europe function differently, this is just a bit of a rant. We are still wage slaves, we are just treated a bit better. Don't glorify Europe, we can do better than that.

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