
Manager had a mental episode and I have no clue what to do:

I work at a grocery store, recently my employer offered me a promotion. She made it sound as if I would be transferred to a different department. I was very happy to have received this offer as they currently have me working late hours at night and I no longer have a interest in working the front end. It’s worth mentioning the employer offered me this job via having my friend who was also offered the same promotion (there were multiple openings) text me asking if I wanted it. A week later while I was working the same manager approached me and informed me that actually I was going to primarily be in the front end as a higher rank and I would not move departments till a couple months as-well I would have to work even later hours consisting of closing the store at 12am. This really pissed me…

I work at a grocery store, recently my employer offered me a promotion. She made it sound as if I would be transferred to a different department. I was very happy to have received this offer as they currently have me working late hours at night and I no longer have a interest in working the front end. It’s worth mentioning the employer offered me this job via having my friend who was also offered the same promotion (there were multiple openings) text me asking if I wanted it. A week later while I was working the same manager approached me and informed me that actually I was going to primarily be in the front end as a higher rank and I would not move departments till a couple months as-well I would have to work even later hours consisting of closing the store at 12am. This really pissed me off because she made no mention of this when she offered me the job and was definitely trying to pull a fast one. When I informed my friend of these added obligations we reached the conclusion we both were not interested in the promotion anymore. It’s also again worth noting we didn’t even start training yet and weren’t scheduled to until another week and never signed anything regarding the promotion. We informed the assistant manager that we rejected the offer and he scheduled a meeting with the main manager. Today when we went to her office for the meeting she immediately met us with a hostile attitude. In the beginning of the meeting we only asked her questions regarding the job that were not degrading but would force her to clarify. She answered every question with hostile answers and accused us of giving her attitude. At one point she even violently waved a piece of paper at my friend in his face while screaming at them. Once we confirmed we would not be taking the promotion she stood up, started bawling and screaming. She accused us of “making her life miserable” because we went to college. (She was aware we’d be leaving at the end of summer for at least four months) She also said we were the reason she was on medication. These claims make absolutely no sense as me and my friend are very quiet at work and do are job diligently. After that she told us to leave and then proceeded to leave work early.I believe this episode is related to her medication as it came out of no where and was eradicate. I don’t know what to do now, I plan on calling tomorrow and resigning, this episode has given me great anxiety regarding work and I’m afraid to even go back and have the manger scream at me again. We have a HR rep should I report her to them and then contact corporate?
TLDR: Manager offers me promotion thru text, proceeds to change what the jobs responsibilities are after I accept. When I inform her I no longer want the job she has a breakdown and screams and violently cries.

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