
I quit.

I started working at a gas station a year ago, close to home, easy work. When I hired on, I had a dude manager, (K) I liked K, he was cool, quiet, no bs kinda guy. He didn't care as long as you showed up. K had a sick child though, and had to switch locations for better medical care. Understandable. Before K left all kinds of other coworkers had come and gone, until I was longest surviving employee there, seniority as it were. For some reason, I was looked over when the spot for Manager came in when K left, that fine, whatever. But now enters C, my new boss. C comes in and at first she is hired on as a cashier just like me, and doesn't actually want to be manager. over time, she does become manager. But as I said coworkers were coming and going. By…

I started working at a gas station a year ago, close to home, easy work. When I hired on, I had a dude manager, (K) I liked K, he was cool, quiet, no bs kinda guy. He didn't care as long as you showed up. K had a sick child though, and had to switch locations for better medical care. Understandable. Before K left all kinds of other coworkers had come and gone, until I was longest surviving employee there, seniority as it were.

For some reason, I was looked over when the spot for Manager came in when K left, that fine, whatever. But now enters C, my new boss. C comes in and at first she is hired on as a cashier just like me, and doesn't actually want to be manager. over time, she does become manager. But as I said coworkers were coming and going. By the time C was manager and knew what was up she only had myself and one other woman working for her. Meaning, like short staffed on crack kinda shit. 12, 14 hours shifts at the gas station alone. 40+ hours a week.

I busted my ass for her, I worked those hours, and as more people got hired on, I told C that I didnt want that many hours, I told her I wanted between 20 and 25. C agreed, and was very kind to me for some time after that. But as time passed, little things would happen here or there, like C would be working right before I came in, and then when I got there, would tell me she ran out of time and couldn't switch shifts, so now I have to do her switch over.

Which is crap, because if I or any one else had run out of time they would have to stay until it was done, apparently not her. The first couple of times didnt bother me, but it kept happening. I went in one time and she told me I had to switch her shift because she literally had to take this random local drunk home, right then and there. Like that drunk guy isn't your job thou, this is your job.

Anyway, so that's going on, and then notes start popping up, passive aggressive notes, like Like employees cant listen to music now, but we have always been able to do so, and when ever she is working. guess who's playing music? She would call me when ever someone called out because as I said, I live close. But that's important, SHE, herself would call me. fast forward sometime. I have plans coming up in a few weeks and I tell her about it, and shes like okay yeah.

The day comes and I find out im scheduled to work, I call C and tell her I have plans remember I cant come in today. and C tells me that I NEED to find someone to cover my shift. Personally myself. Okay then how come when every one else calls out they aren't the ones calling me, C is? I did get someone to cover. Even though as the manager that's kinda her ,…. you job. But whatever. I get over it.

Fast forward some more, I have a two hour shift, that's weird, come to find out, it's so I can go over there and clean the store, it is one of the few times there are ever two people in the store. Yet, here is the kicker, upon talking to my coworkers, I learned that no one else has been scheduled to go in for those two hour cleaning shifts. Why just me? fast forward some more, all of this is still going on, all the while, I am getting less and less hours, I wanted 20/25, right now im working about 15. This week, I was scheduled 9 hours.

I come to find out that one of my coworkers is being paid under the table, so he can collect better on gov benefits and avoid child support payments, after this I also learn that whenever C works over time, that she takes the amount of money she made from the store that day, and that she too is paid under the table. Little things kept adding up and going wrong, until I couldn't take it anymore. I am anemic, I get cold really, really easy, and I HATE it. so I turn the air to about 76/78 when i am there. Because im the one that's gotta be there, and I even told C I did this and why. I was then off for a few days and came back to a lock on the thermostat.

So I secretly reported the fraud to the IRS and put in my two weeks, as I said I live close so even after im gone from that hell, I can sit back and watch it unfold. Everything she did just kept getting worse and worse, and the house were less and less. In the end I had decided I had had it up to my tits with that place. It is extra shitty because when she hired on, I busted ass for her, broke back for her, and she shat on me, when I put my foot down on hours? when I didnt cover shifts anymore? It wont be hard to find something better.

Let me just toss in a few more little tid bits.
I never once saw a raise.
This station has Tank issues, I wont say more, other that a lot of peoples cars broke down that day.
No a specific time, but whenever I would talk to C, I would generally get back monotone flatness, or straight up shit. I once went in the store, I was not scheduled to be there, I was a shopper and she bit my head off because SOMEONE else called out and I refused to cover. Just crap like that. I didn't find out the coworker was hiding from child support and screwing the benefits programs (SNAP) until recently, but C knew all along.

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