
Salary in the job posting

What do we have to do to get jobs to include the salary in the online job posting?! IMO it should be required. Companies like indeed should take a stand and require the salary or they can’t post the job. What do they have to hide? These companies would get better pools of candidates by posting the salary. It’s a TOTAL waste of time to make people go through with applying, multiple interviews, etc for the candidate to not accept because of the pay.

What do we have to do to get jobs to include the salary in the online job posting?! IMO it should be required. Companies like indeed should take a stand and require the salary or they can’t post the job. What do they have to hide? These companies would get better pools of candidates by posting the salary. It’s a TOTAL waste of time to make people go through with applying, multiple interviews, etc for the candidate to not accept because of the pay.

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