
How to deal with incompetent supervisor?

Long story short, take care of an entire greenhouse collection which I’ve built up immensely using my own time, money and passion. Supervisor got into a car accident couple years back and has a memory problem cannot remember anything, does not think I’m doing an adequate job believes I am making more problems by letting plants grow “too big” (because they were half dead before I started working there). He does not bother to help with Maintance other than seasonal cleaning, is not aware of specialized plant care aside from the gardening. Constantly needs to be right using stuff like “well askshully” “honestly” “realistically” even when he is dead wrong, or gets offended. Cannot remember actual advice because he forgets and does not take my advice because he has that “I’m older and know all mentality. I fear when I leave my university he will kill everything I’ve made come…

Long story short, take care of an entire greenhouse collection which I’ve built up immensely using my own time, money and passion.
Supervisor got into a car accident couple years back and has a memory problem cannot remember anything, does not think I’m doing an adequate job believes I am making more problems by letting plants grow “too big” (because they were half dead before I started working there).
He does not bother to help with Maintance other than seasonal cleaning, is not aware of specialized plant care aside from the gardening.

Constantly needs to be right using stuff like “well askshully” “honestly” “realistically” even when he is dead wrong, or gets offended. Cannot remember actual advice because he forgets and does not take my advice because he has that “I’m older and know all mentality. I fear when I leave my university he will kill everything I’ve made come into fruition.

Like the guy as a person, but as a manager he sucks ass, is not competent enough to take care of the facility due to his overarching anxiety and forgetfulness not sure how to deal with him, very frustrating.

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