
The US is not designed to be a what people think it is

Average life span in the US… 2019; 78.8 years 2021; 76.6 years Legal age of retirement if you’re born before 1954, 66 years old Legal age of retirement if you’re born after 1960, 67 years old Which means by the time you’re done working in this country you’re expected to have less than 10 years to live, what were you doing 10 years ago? Don’t fall for the “work hard to get what you want and progress” because why would the man above me tell me the secret to taking his job from him that gives him such a comfortable life? A lot of countries are starting to adopt 8 hour 4 day work weeks without any loss of pay,dot countries legal require all employers to give employees 4+ weeks of PTO/vacation time, for our country it’s 0 weeks and we have to EARN IT, we have to EARN our…

Average life span in the US…

2019; 78.8 years

2021; 76.6 years

Legal age of retirement if you’re born before 1954, 66 years old

Legal age of retirement if you’re born after 1960,
67 years old

Which means by the time you’re done working in this country you’re expected to have less than 10 years to live, what were you doing 10 years ago?

Don’t fall for the “work hard to get what you want and progress” because why would the man above me tell me the secret to taking his job from him that gives him such a comfortable life?

A lot of countries are starting to adopt 8 hour 4 day work weeks without any loss of pay,dot countries legal require all employers to give employees 4+ weeks of PTO/vacation time, for our country it’s 0 weeks and we have to EARN IT, we have to EARN our right to live as being a company product, and when we do it’s crumbs compared to other countries.

This lifestyle corrupted our parents making them obsessed with making sure that we their kids get a job that can make lots of money, instead of doing something that make us fall in love with living,

School is designed to train us for this way of life which is why so many of us have accepted it, I met many people with a diploma and a degree but lacks at figuring out the simplest things like what makes them truly happy to be alive, or can’t figure out that human beings shouldn’t be living like this, or that protesting is what we need to do even though the old white mean that started the USA gave us the people the right to overthrow the corrupt and oppressive government.

The government has also committed Crimes against Humanity through its oppression, negligence, and clear lack of ability to correctly and well functionally be in charge of an entire nation with a large mass of people.

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