
Boycott Starbucks starting 8/1-spread the word! Starbucks is openly and actively engaging in bad faith anti-union tactics. The story above is one of many. We should rally to the aid of our Starbucks siblings in the same way we assisted when Kellogg's was trying to break its workers' strike. To that end, starting 8/1: Stop shopping at Starbucks; Stop buying Starbucks products; If you own shares of Starbucks, sell; and Spread the word; share posts of how Starbucks is abusing its employees and violating labor law. Spread the word of the plan now. We want to see Starbucks' revenue and stocks plunge at the start of august. The boycott continues until: 1. Unionized stores which were closed are reopened; 2. Unionized employees who were fired or let go since the start of the year are reinstated; and 3. Howard Schultz apologizes for his anti-union stances and admits the important role which unions can play in…

Starbucks is openly and actively engaging in bad faith anti-union tactics. The story above is one of many.

We should rally to the aid of our Starbucks siblings in the same way we assisted when Kellogg's was trying to break its workers' strike.

To that end, starting 8/1:

  1. Stop shopping at Starbucks;
  2. Stop buying Starbucks products;
  3. If you own shares of Starbucks, sell; and
  4. Spread the word; share posts of how Starbucks is abusing its employees and violating labor law.

Spread the word of the plan now. We want to see Starbucks' revenue and stocks plunge at the start of august.

The boycott continues until:
1. Unionized stores which were closed are reopened;
2. Unionized employees who were fired or let go since the start of the year are reinstated; and
3. Howard Schultz apologizes for his anti-union stances and admits the important role which unions can play in protecting the rights of his workers.

This is an achievable goal for this community if everyone gets on board. Let's do it!

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