
Talk me out of staying

I put in my 2 weeks on Thursday, same story as most, not enough employees, low pay, the place is chaos on a daily basis, Gm and owner are idiots who micromanage the dumbest things while ignoring the important things. Owners children are regularly on site causing chaos running around a manufacturing environment. The Gm was shocked but polite when I put my 2 weeks in, owner not so much has completely ignored my presence since. Hasn’t even acknowledged that I’m leaving. They are a small company, 11 employees, I’m friends with a couple of them outside of work and have been for years. I don’t want to screw them over by not going back but I dunno if I can take another week and a half there. If I don’t go in tomorrow there is literally no one else who knows how to do my job, the Gm doesn’t…

I put in my 2 weeks on Thursday, same story as most, not enough employees, low pay, the place is chaos on a daily basis, Gm and owner are idiots who micromanage the dumbest things while ignoring the important things. Owners children are regularly on site causing chaos running around a manufacturing environment.
The Gm was shocked but polite when I put my 2 weeks in, owner not so much has completely ignored my presence since. Hasn’t even acknowledged that I’m leaving. They are a small company, 11 employees, I’m friends with a couple of them outside of work and have been for years. I don’t want to screw them over by not going back but I dunno if I can take another week and a half there. If I don’t go in tomorrow there is literally no one else who knows how to do my job, the Gm doesn’t even know how to do something’s as simple as post payments so I know it’ll be a complete dumpster fire. HELP ME not feel guilty about not going back!

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