
I need some advice for leaving.

Hey there guys. I've been a long time lurker on this sub, but I'm thinking I'm one of the younger people here so I've always been a bit timid (and in general). I got a decent paying job (FOR MY AGE) a few months back. Long story short, my stepmother is visiting for the first time in like 4 years, and today we had an emergency where we have to get some things together for her arrival. I called multiple people to see if I could swap my shift, but to no avail. So I called the store, it was an emergency, a personal matter, and I couldn't come in. I was told it's either get your shift covered or come in – if not they will “move on without me”. Keep in mind this job is 12.50 paying, and I'm relatively naive. However, I asked her if she knew…

Hey there guys. I've been a long time lurker on this sub, but I'm thinking I'm one of the younger people here so I've always been a bit timid (and in general).

I got a decent paying job (FOR MY AGE) a few months back. Long story short, my stepmother is visiting for the first time in like 4 years, and today we had an emergency where we have to get some things together for her arrival. I called multiple people to see if I could swap my shift, but to no avail. So I called the store, it was an emergency, a personal matter, and I couldn't come in.

I was told it's either get your shift covered or come in – if not they will “move on without me”. Keep in mind this job is 12.50 paying, and I'm relatively naive. However, I asked her if she knew any other person to cover (I called 2 people), she said “no”. And nothing else. Yet EVERYONE ELSE calls out frequently, with seemingly no repercussion. I was told this was none of my business. Keep in mind, my GM is the best. I love her a lot. But this particular manager I was on the phone with stressed me out constantly no matter what. And the way she was talking to me made me angry, like I was just a pawn. I refuse to be a pawn no matter my age or stature.

Here's the problem. My old job, which I had quit twice, has a new management of people I love. They matched what I wanted to be paid (plus tips), and said I'm welcome to come back, with extremely flexible hours. I'm scheduled at my CURRENT job tonight, and tomorrow working a double shift (10:15 am to at least 8pm if not further). If I quit, quite frankly, they will be completely fucked. How should I go about quitting?

Sorry for the naivety, I just need help. I dont even care how horribly the night goes for them, I was disrespected, and I refuse to have that again.

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