
This system is so fucked up

We live in a time where billionaires dont pay taxes…. Like wtf. The people who make SO MUCH money dont have to pay taxes, and meanwhile us the little man have to. Their tax money could do so many well things for our society and world. But no they dont have to, instead the people with fixed or little income have to pay taxes. The people who already have it bad and whoose problems might be solved it the goverment would actually start collecting taxes from the rich and using them in a good way. This world is so fucked up man.

We live in a time where billionaires dont pay taxes…. Like wtf. The people who make SO MUCH money dont have to pay taxes, and meanwhile us the little man have to. Their tax money could do so many well things for our society and world. But no they dont have to, instead the people with fixed or little income have to pay taxes. The people who already have it bad and whoose problems might be solved it the goverment would actually start collecting taxes from the rich and using them in a good way.

This world is so fucked up man.

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