
Just Another Day in the USA

I was driving to the gym this am and saw a man crawl out of the bushes at the freeway offramp and stretch out his arms because he was obviously just waking up after having slept there. I drove through a farmer’s market on my way home and saw a man sitting on the curb with all his belongs in a cart and two bags. He had a look of complete defeat and depression on his face, staring at the ground as others walked by and ignored him while drinking $7 coffees. Just another day in the USA. How can I take any joy in any work that I do within a system that treats my fellow countrymen and women with such contempt? Do I give a f$ck about your business that is hoarding enough cash to fund a small country instead of distributing it to the communities that do…

I was driving to the gym this am and saw a man crawl out of the bushes at the freeway offramp and stretch out his arms because he was obviously just waking up after having slept there. I drove through a farmer’s market on my way home and saw a man sitting on the curb with all his belongs in a cart and two bags. He had a look of complete defeat and depression on his face, staring at the ground as others walked by and ignored him while drinking $7 coffees. Just another day in the USA.

How can I take any joy in any work that I do within a system that treats my fellow countrymen and women with such contempt?

Do I give a f$ck about your business that is hoarding enough cash to fund a small country instead of distributing it to the communities that do the work as businesses should? Do I care about your stock price which has been goosed higher for a decade on government money because the rich can’t take their lumps for being shitt* managers? Hell no.

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