
My unrewarding struggle

A bit of a rant, but this is how my week goes: Monday: Rudely awaken by an alarm going of at the arse crack of dawn. Not enough sleep. I don't have the energy to work. The day is a struggle to the end and when it finally comes, I have unfinished work. Tuesday: Up at sparrow's fart again. Still just the beginning of the week and it looks like nothing but an uphill battle. Have to deal with a new work load on top of what was left from monday. The day is long and I barely have time to cook dinner before I have to go back to sleep and do it all again the next day. Wednesday: Not the beginning of the week and nowhere near the end. I'm tired from Monday and Tuesday and now have 3 full days to suffer though before a reprieve. Thursday:…

A bit of a rant, but this is how my week goes:

Monday: Rudely awaken by an alarm going of at the arse crack of dawn. Not enough sleep. I don't have the energy to work. The day is a struggle to the end and when it finally comes, I have unfinished work.

Tuesday: Up at sparrow's fart again. Still just the beginning of the week and it looks like nothing but an uphill battle. Have to deal with a new work load on top of what was left from monday. The day is long and I barely have time to cook dinner before I have to go back to sleep and do it all again the next day.

Wednesday: Not the beginning of the week and nowhere near the end. I'm tired from Monday and Tuesday and now have 3 full days to suffer though before a reprieve.

Thursday: The body is really feeling it and the mind is dull from the rude awakenings and sleep depravity I'm not at all pleased that I only have one more day after today, I'm devastated that I still have another fucking day.

Friday: I'm completely spent. Any excitement about having two days off is quelled by utter exhaustion. I dream of a hammock on the beach but a hospital bed seems more appropriate.

Saturday: Thank fuck, not awake before sunrise, but haven't had enough rest because this is the only day I have time to do everything work prevents me from getting done and all the places I need to go close early because it is saturday. It's a race against the clock. At night, I'm torn between staying up and doing things I like, or catching up on some sorely needed rest.

Sunday: actually sleep in but now my body clock is out of sync for how early I have to get up on Monday and I can't get to sleep on time. The cycle begins again.

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