
My ex boss refuses to pay me past due pay

I worked for a small after school care center from mid December until I just quit yesterday. I only worked 4-10 hours per week and was paid cash, under the table. Pay days were on Friday. The first two or three weeks were great and I was paid in full each Friday. Then she began paying me partial payments, promising the rest “when she could get to the bank”. She also began shorting me, somehow miscalculating my very small amount of hours. She would claim she still owed me $20, when it would actually be more. I would remind her of my actual hours worked and patiently wait for the rest. Two weeks ago I told her I would have to find a second job as waiting on my pay wasn't working for me. She said she'd give me more hours. (She didn't) Fast forward to last week. Not getting…

I worked for a small after school care center from mid December until I just quit yesterday. I only worked 4-10 hours per week and was paid cash, under the table. Pay days were on Friday. The first two or three weeks were great and I was paid in full each Friday. Then she began paying me partial payments, promising the rest “when she could get to the bank”. She also began shorting me, somehow miscalculating my very small amount of hours. She would claim she still owed me $20, when it would actually be more. I would remind her of my actual hours worked and patiently wait for the rest. Two weeks ago I told her I would have to find a second job as waiting on my pay wasn't working for me. She said she'd give me more hours. (She didn't) Fast forward to last week. Not getting my full pay, and very low on gas, I notified her I would be unable to make it in to work because I had no gas money until I got paid. She sent back a fairly aggressive message stating that didn't work for her and that she was modifying my future schedules because of what I had done. I sent her a lengthy resignation letter and asked again for my measly $230. She replied “k” and I haven't hear from her since. $230 may seem like a small amount but it's really not the point. (And I am desperate for $230!)
Thoughts or ideas?

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