
Counter Offer

I am close to getting an offer from a position I have been chasing for last 2 months. The pay is better than what I am getting currently but most importantly a fresh change. There have been countless sleepless nights to the point where I stopped bothering about my performance and seriously hoped that it would be better if they fire me so that I won’t have to deal with this daily torcher. The issue has been shitty demanding clients, companies policy to never say no the client and meet deadline no matter what resulting in high staff turnover and increased pressure on the staff. Anyways, my boss is gonna flip as I have always been a good employee and low maintenance. He is gonna give me a counter offer and do everything to make me stay (I have some good clients who really like me and bring in huge…

I am close to getting an offer from a position I have been chasing for last 2 months. The pay is better than what I am getting currently but most importantly a fresh change. There have been countless sleepless nights to the point where I stopped bothering about my performance and seriously hoped that it would be better if they fire me so that I won’t have to deal with this daily torcher. The issue has been shitty demanding clients, companies policy to never say no the client and meet deadline no matter what resulting in high staff turnover and increased pressure on the staff. Anyways, my boss is gonna flip as I have always been a good employee and low maintenance. He is gonna give me a counter offer and do everything to make me stay (I have some good clients who really like me and bring in huge profits).
Anyways, I am totally over this toxic work environment and there was a point last year when I was even considering going on a much lower salary just to stay employed.
What do you guys suggest about closing all negotiation channels with my current employer and even telling my boss that it is because of you I’m leaving?

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