
Does anyone else have an internal struggle of guilt for disliking their job?

I’ve been at a new company for a year now, and the newbie excitement has worn off. I’m paid well, have a good team, and my boss is kind. Yet I am finding myself grow more bored in my role and dreading Mondays more and more. I feel guilty for feeling this way when I should be grateful, but doing the little tippy tappy on the keyboard while society seems to be imploding around us just seems so meaningless. Im not sure if I’ll ever find joy or purpose in a job. Am I alone in this feeling? Has anyone found a way to deal? Is it time for me to begin searching for something new? Sigh, I feel a bit lost.

I’ve been at a new company for a year now, and the newbie excitement has worn off. I’m paid well, have a good team, and my boss is kind. Yet I am finding myself grow more bored in my role and dreading Mondays more and more. I feel guilty for feeling this way when I should be grateful, but doing the little tippy tappy on the keyboard while society seems to be imploding around us just seems so meaningless. Im not sure if I’ll ever find joy or purpose in a job. Am I alone in this feeling? Has anyone found a way to deal? Is it time for me to begin searching for something new? Sigh, I feel a bit lost.

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