
Serious discussion: if so many people dislike their work, why not change their job/situation?

I don’t mean any disrespect at all, just want to start a discussion to better understand everyone’s situation. As someone who’s lurked here for about a year, I come across many posts from people who work in either retail or fast food, both of which are notorious for low pay and unstable hours. My first thought is “well if this person complains and hates their job so much why don’t they quit, get a second or a different job, go to school, a trade school, or start a business?” A little background about me so everyone doesn’t think I’m some entitled person. I’m 33, M living in SoCal. I grew up in a neighborhood called Boyle Heights in LA County, which is very poor, and full of gangs, but the majority of people work hard for what they have. Not a lot of people make it out, most either end…

I don’t mean any disrespect at all, just want to start a discussion to better understand everyone’s situation.

As someone who’s lurked here for about a year, I come across many posts from people who work in either retail or fast food, both of which are notorious for low pay and unstable hours. My first thought is “well if this person complains and hates their job so much why don’t they quit, get a second or a different job, go to school, a trade school, or start a business?”

A little background about me so everyone doesn’t think I’m some entitled person. I’m 33, M living in SoCal. I grew up in a neighborhood called Boyle Heights in LA County, which is very poor, and full of gangs, but the majority of people work hard for what they have. Not a lot of people make it out, most either end up dead, on drugs, or in jail. I couldn’t even walk around the street I lived on because their were so many drive by shootings. Fortunately we moved when I was 12, went to a different HS. Graduated in 2007, attended community college until I finished in 2012. My mom paid for my classes there but I had to pay when I transferred to a state school. I worked in my city’s parks and rec dept, making 10/hr, saving everything I made for when I transferred. Paid my way through school, received a few grants, graduated in 2015.

Kept that job, got another job as a behavior therapist (20/hr) as I saved up for my teaching credential. Wasn’t saving enough so I got a third job as an Instructional Aide (20/hr). Worked and saved from 2015-2019, when I moved out with my fiancé (then gf). Got our own apartment, got my first teaching job and started my Credential program all in 2019. Paid my way through the credential program, graduated in 2020, immediately began my Masters Degree. I received a nice pay bump from 53K to 73 K due to Covid. Paid my way through the Masters program, graduated in 2021. In addition to teaching and going to school, I also got a job tutoring, helping me save up a year’s worth of EF and for a down payment. Still have that job btw.

I graduated with no debt, I’m able to save for retirement, and while I don’t live a luxurious life at the moment, I’m happy. I’m able to save for a house, and I didn’t like my situation so I did something about it. My first year teaching, I literally split my teaching paycheck between rent and paying for school, as the teaching credential and Masters Degree was so expensive. I’ve also volunteered as a HS football coach since 2014, this upcoming season will be my first getting paid.

I moved from job to job, kept multiple jobs which I still have, sacrificed a lot of my social life because I had priorities (saving for school). My question, from my first paragraph, is if people don’t like their situation, why don’t they do something about it?

I definitely worked hard, juggling school, multiple jobs and coaching at the same time. However, I know that the struggle is only temporary. I’m going into my 4th year teaching special education, making 85K. I feel if I could make it, others can too. I realize I’ve gotten a few breaks, but everything I have I worked for it.

Like I said don’t mean any disrespect towards anyone, just want to better understand why people complain about their work/situation/life but don’t do anything about it. In my experience if I didn’t like something sure I complained but I also did something about it.

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