
Quit my job today with no notice, turns out the problem is I’m depressed

This is an update of this post. Today I had an interview first thing in the morning which went really well, the manager of the store seems very chill and we'll see if the job is actually nice once I start, but right now I have a good feeling about it. Next I went to my current (now ex) workplace to quit. I told them I felt uncomfortable with the way things were done on their part, that HR meeting me before going on vacation and not giving me the official document of the disciplinary meeting or following up with me was not okay, that I had no heads up to correct my “problematic behavior” and therefore I think we should part ways. I said my coworkers were acting weird with me for weeks and I have no clue why and that overall I felt underappreciated after everything I've done…

This is an update of this post.

Today I had an interview first thing in the morning which went really well, the manager of the store seems very chill and we'll see if the job is actually nice once I start, but right now I have a good feeling about it.

Next I went to my current (now ex) workplace to quit. I told them I felt uncomfortable with the way things were done on their part, that HR meeting me before going on vacation and not giving me the official document of the disciplinary meeting or following up with me was not okay, that I had no heads up to correct my “problematic behavior” and therefore I think we should part ways. I said my coworkers were acting weird with me for weeks and I have no clue why and that overall I felt underappreciated after everything I've done for them.

My manager told me they wanted to meet me earlier but didn't because they didn't want to put stress on me (whatever that means) and that it was never the right moment (like a right moment exists for stuff like that). She told me the feeling I have about my coworkers acting weird is in my mind.

The cherry on top is when she said the quality of my work isn't the problem, but the “mask I put on before serving customers isn't holding up so everyone sees I'm depressed”

So basically, I got written up for bullshit and their issue is that I'm depressed. She told me I need to learn to love myself and stop self harming.

I told her I am working on that (like wtf…)

Anyways, I'm so glad I did not give them two weeks notice. As I left and said goodbye to my coworkers, the employee I know bullshitted me to the manager acted sad. I was like dude we both know you're the rat here.

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