
My roommate’s boss asked her to come in the day after her surgery so he could have time off

My roommate (20f) works in a town about 2 hours away during the summer, so she hasn’t been living with me. Our lease ends this week, so she took time off for her wisdom tooth surgery, and a couple days after to come up and move her stuff to a storage unit, for a total of 6 days. She was recently moved up to a shift supervisor at her job, but this time off was requested after her surgery date was scheduled (a few month back). Her boss told her that someone couldn’t come in on the day after her surgery and it would be “thoughtful” if she could come in and work the shift. She told him maybe and she would see how she’s feeling. Currently, she is in town on lots of pain medications and only 4 days removed from the surgery. Her recovery has been rough to…

My roommate (20f) works in a town about 2 hours away during the summer, so she hasn’t been living with me. Our lease ends this week, so she took time off for her wisdom tooth surgery, and a couple days after to come up and move her stuff to a storage unit, for a total of 6 days. She was recently moved up to a shift supervisor at her job, but this time off was requested after her surgery date was scheduled (a few month back). Her boss told her that someone couldn’t come in on the day after her surgery and it would be “thoughtful” if she could come in and work the shift. She told him maybe and she would see how she’s feeling. Currently, she is in town on lots of pain medications and only 4 days removed from the surgery. Her recovery has been rough to say the least. She has been exerting herself a lot with moving especially considering she’s in pain. Her boss texted her and asked if she could get her moving done in one day because he “never gets time off.” He also asked if a family member or her bf could do the moving for her so she could work. I told her to join this subreddit and go get a new job 😀

TLDR: My roommate got her wisdom teeth out and her boss tried to guilt trip her into coming in the day after so he could have time off.

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