
[USA] Why is taxation the issue and not mismanagement of money and resources?

I see a lot of comments, posts, and even news headlines about billionaires not paying taxes and, while I agree with the sentiment that billionaires get away with too much, why isn’t the issue about our government mismanaging the heck out of the money it already has? Taxes are high, the government only helps itself, and politicians on both sides get richer every year. My perspective is that we have two simultaneous issues: there are too many billionaires from a stacked system of reallocated wealth AND the government sucks and wouldn’t help more people if it had more money. So, who cares about billionaires paying taxes when the money would go towards corruption anyway?

I see a lot of comments, posts, and even news headlines about billionaires not paying taxes and, while I agree with the sentiment that billionaires get away with too much, why isn’t the issue about our government mismanaging the heck out of the money it already has? Taxes are high, the government only helps itself, and politicians on both sides get richer every year.

My perspective is that we have two simultaneous issues: there are too many billionaires from a stacked system of reallocated wealth AND the government sucks and wouldn’t help more people if it had more money.

So, who cares about billionaires paying taxes when the money would go towards corruption anyway?

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