
Shitting on Company Time

I used to work at a grocery store, the pay was really bad and I basically worked five different positions. I worked over 40 hours every week and they said I still didn't qualify as a full time employee. When ever they needed me they would act all nice and promise to give me full time (they did this for a year straight) and always said that the system was down and somehow booted me out. Most of the older folks that worked there were really rude and demanded of me to do stuff from different departments despite them not being my manager. I learned real quick that being a hard worker got me no where and that I was just gonna take it easy(at this job specifically). It didn't help that they were overly obsessed with my relationship with my boyfriend. And would complain about us working together despite…

I used to work at a grocery store, the pay was really bad and I basically worked five different positions. I worked over 40 hours every week and they said I still didn't qualify as a full time employee. When ever they needed me they would act all nice and promise to give me full time (they did this for a year straight) and always said that the system was down and somehow booted me out.

Most of the older folks that worked there were really rude and demanded of me to do stuff from different departments despite them not being my manager.

I learned real quick that being a hard worker got me no where and that I was just gonna take it easy(at this job specifically). It didn't help that they were overly obsessed with my relationship with my boyfriend. And would complain about us working together despite us having a maximum of two overlapping hours and still getting our jobs done.

In the last year of working there, I would disappear randomly and go play on my phone in the bathroom. I would walk around the store and do nothing and despite previously waiting to finish my stuff first before using the restroom I just went regardless if I had a little bit to empty out of my system.

I left as soon as they decided not comply with my school schedule. I didn't show up one day and just left a note saying “I quit.” Signed off with my name. They told everyone I had gone off to nursing school. I pop in once and a while and notice how most of the people who once worked there are gone and the place looks disorganized.

I've learned that as long as you're not in a position of power you're nothing. And to focus on places that pay and appreciate my work.

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