
How to get a better job

I have a wfh Job that barely requires me to do anything. I play video games and do whatever I want mostly. I make 22 an hour which is pretty decent where I live. Here's how I did it. Step 1. Fucking lie. Fake that resume. Write ypur friends phone numbers for references. Been stuck for a few years stocking a shitty retail store? Well guess what you application says you were the assistant manager and your home boy Doug who's never worked there will back you up. Cause he was the manager. Also ypu write whatever you want for GPA. They have no way of fucking knowing. Step 2. Just keep ficking lying baby. Make the lies big. I managed an telemarketing office that no longer exists. Since it doesn't exist anymore there's noone to verify that I was actually just a dude who answered phones for 9 bucks…

I have a wfh Job that barely requires me to do anything. I play video games and do whatever I want mostly. I make 22 an hour which is pretty decent where I live. Here's how I did it.

Step 1. Fucking lie. Fake that resume. Write ypur friends phone numbers for references. Been stuck for a few years stocking a shitty retail store? Well guess what you application says you were the assistant manager and your home boy Doug who's never worked there will back you up. Cause he was the manager. Also ypu write whatever you want for GPA. They have no way of fucking knowing.

Step 2. Just keep ficking lying baby. Make the lies big. I managed an telemarketing office that no longer exists. Since it doesn't exist anymore there's noone to verify that I was actually just a dude who answered phones for 9 bucks an hour. Since there's no reference, I make up for it with the other bogus jobs and references. Just putting at least one big title on the resume can do wonders.

Step 3. You guessed it. Keep fucking lying. They honestly almost never check references. You can say you worked places that you never have. You've got a pretty good shot and them just going “ok” and handing you a job. Also I was a part of the IT staff in high school and college. That's funny cause no I wasn't. But how are they going to know that?

Don't feel like Since you didn't go to college or you don't have any good titles on your resume that you are behind everyone else. Just fucking lie. Most jobs take zero brain power anyways. Trust me your qualified. Just convince them that any way possible.

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