
Corporate Confusion

I JUST recently started a corporate job and I don't feel like anything makes any sense. I haven't gotten any good training at this job…and I literally don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing. Most of the folks are nice, but they literally keep telling to watch out for this one specific person…who was supposed to train me on my job, but has been doing a lousy job. She also expects me to work literally day (I had to ask someone else if I was able to take lunch btw), she left me alone for the first three days of training. She also immediately started to complain about how I vape. (I take my little five minute breaks if there isn't work to do…and normally at 10 and 2. so like…) She also looked for me in the bathroom on my first day of work. Went “OP? R…

I JUST recently started a corporate job and I don't feel like anything makes any sense. I haven't gotten any good training at this job…and I literally don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing. Most of the folks are nice, but they literally keep telling to watch out for this one specific person…who was supposed to train me on my job, but has been doing a lousy job. She also expects me to work literally day (I had to ask someone else if I was able to take lunch btw), she left me alone for the first three days of training. She also immediately started to complain about how I vape. (I take my little five minute breaks if there isn't work to do…and normally at 10 and 2. so like…) She also looked for me in the bathroom on my first day of work. Went “OP? R U IN HERE?” And she keeps telling me only go to her for questions and literally no one else, despite everyone encouraging me to let them know when I need help. Other workers in the building are telling me to watch my back with her (literally on my first day?) and that no one likes her, and she's on a powertrip because I'm new. I am? apparently her equal, because we have the same boss. I actually thought she was my boss in a sense????? During a teams meeting for the new hires, she insisted on sitting in and then kept trying to distract me from whatever they were trying to teach me. I had to ask one of the leads for a private session.

I have been having panic attacks every day and even more migraines. My recruiter has brushed everything I've said off. I know I'm capable of what this job entails, because it was essentially the same thing as my previous job. Just in a terrible corporate shell. I feel useless, unproductive and really stupid. It's been about two weeks and I already want to quit.

Someone help. I don't want to climb the ladder. I want to survive without damaging my physical and mental health any further.

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