
Remember you are working for YOU

My previous post on WFH blew up. I have been working for over 15 years after college. Here are some things i believe everybody in the job market should know. 1- Loyalty to a company means nothing. The company will never be loyal to you. The company is loyal to money. If the company is paying you 5000, believe me that they are making at least 5001 from you. If they can find somebody who does what you do for less, they'll gladly replace you. 2- Don't leave your current job unless the next one offers atleast 20% more. 3- The momment a company calls you “Family” its time to leave. Family is personal, work is business. A company calling its employees family its trying to break that barrier so that you will feel guilty if you leave. 4- HR is NOT YOUR FRIEND. The job of HR is to…

My previous post on WFH blew up. I have been working for over 15 years after college. Here are some things i believe everybody in the job market should know.

1- Loyalty to a company means nothing. The company will never be loyal to you. The company is loyal to money. If the company is paying you 5000, believe me that they are making at least 5001 from you. If they can find somebody who does what you do for less, they'll gladly replace you.

2- Don't leave your current job unless the next one offers atleast 20% more.

3- The momment a company calls you “Family” its time to leave. Family is personal, work is business. A company calling its employees family its trying to break that barrier so that you will feel guilty if you leave.

4- HR is NOT YOUR FRIEND. The job of HR is to protect the company. Look at it this way, its literally called HUMAN RESOURCES, what do you do with resources? You exploit them.

5- The company doesn't care about you. If you were to die today, your job will be advertised tomorrow. You will be the first casualty if the company is in trouble. The pandemic has proven this.

6- Remember, you are working for you. Want to be the best in your field? Go ahead do it for yourself. What to climb the corporate ladder? Go ahead do it for you. Do not do it for anybody or anything else.

7- We dont have a “safety net” anymore. Boomers and the previous generation had pensions or gratuity. There issnt anything like that for our generation. More than likely we are the ones paying for thier pensions. Make the money, go to where the money is. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. If you retire at 65 and live to 85, nobody is gonna support you for those 20 years.

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