
“Work Hard, Earn It” mindset

This is an older story but definitely still applies to today I worked at a retail chain in NE America, they're only in 5 states so I wont name drop them. I was 16-19 when I had this job. I worked very hard, and it showed a lot. Many people would point it out, and my manager loved it. In the summers I would work 60/hrs a week earning overtime as long as my union allowed. Over all it was great other than massive turn over because 80% of the staff was 16-18. I stuck around and became a certified training and got an extra $1/hr, plus another $1 if I was training that shift. It was great, but I never surpassed $11/hr. The summer I would be turning 18 I voiced I wanted to be a Lead Cashier/Coordinator, which was a promotion. They said they wanted to see me…

This is an older story but definitely still applies to today

I worked at a retail chain in NE America, they're only in 5 states so I wont name drop them.
I was 16-19 when I had this job.
I worked very hard, and it showed a lot. Many people would point it out, and my manager loved it. In the summers I would work 60/hrs a week earning overtime as long as my union allowed. Over all it was great other than massive turn over because 80% of the staff was 16-18. I stuck around and became a certified training and got an extra $1/hr, plus another $1 if I was training that shift. It was great, but I never surpassed $11/hr.
The summer I would be turning 18 I voiced I wanted to be a Lead Cashier/Coordinator, which was a promotion. They said they wanted to see me working for a little longer, so I busted my ass an actually got the promotion. A year had gone by and it was time for union raise time. Our booklet stating our raises was confusing because my paycheck said “Grocery, Utility clerk”. Grocery was Full-time, Utility was part time. I hadn't noticed I was listed as both until it was raise time and I didn't get one at all. I then also noticed that my promotion, which I was told would make me full-time, didnt get any benefits. So huge red flags.
I called my union to debate my title and my raise of 20cents. When they looked into it basically went “No you're part time. You pay will be reduced by 30cents on the next paycheck.” No fighting. They hung up on me before I got a word in. So I went to the manager who promoted me and asked WTF? And she said “No you're part time working full-time hours for no benefits and up to 30hrs overtime allowed.” And going to HR was “Sucks, nothing we can do.” I kept busting my butt, and applied for the next promotion right before I turned 19 because I needed better pay/benefits.
It was between me and one person.
Interview went great, my review was awesome, they all knew I was a hard worker and put forth more effort that almost anyone.
Managers had a meeting and they unanimously decided I got it.
The other person handed in her two weeks as they were coming down to pull me in and inform me of this, and they gave it to her on the spot.
The next week I go to the store manager asking about the job and what's going on. Was sat down and told “You we're going to get it, you're an amazing worker, but something came up and it was given to [other person.”
I found out where she had gotten another job, and got the job she abandoned. Was being payed $14/hr compared to her manager pay of $13/hr. When I put in my two week they offered me a promotion that didn't exist. I denied and said they made my decision for me.

Onto the next job, I'm doing the same thing of working as hard I can to get more. I knew I could earn it because of the other job, I worked hard and I earned it.

Then I was denied a promotion 5 times, for baseless bullshit reasons. The last straw was “You need to be more profitable to the company.” I was already selling $50k/week for $16/hr. Was working any overtime I could and helped in every department. That's when I realized it doesn't matter how hard you work or how much you apply yourself, You work hard You get played.
This made me realize both places were taking advantage of me, and didn't actually care that I worked hard, but cared that I was working.
Ever since then, I just apply myself and do exactly as I'm told. Nothing more, maybe a little less. And now I barely do anything for this job at $17/hr for 20hrs a week. My Full-time job pays less, but I enjoy it, and they legitimately care about me.

The work hard to earn it mindset is such bullshit, and was set up by corporate entities to abuse you. Do nothing more, and always a little less than asked, unless they actually care and you truly love the job.

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