I (31m) have been working in an extremely competitive field that is heavily gatekept and landed an investment opportunity/job with a top company in my area after years of working in the industry on a much smaller scale.
To be honest though things aren’t going well. The organization is fairly messy and the leader (gas lights team members, berates them publicly, doesn’t respect time of others and often forgets important details) and I don’t see eye to eye which has cause a massive amount of stress for me over the last six months.
Realistically I feel like this is my only chance to do something I really love and make a career out of it. I’m not getting any younger and don’t have the time, energy, or resources to network my way into a career position with another company and typically this industry is about who you know unless you have a couple hundred grand laying around.
I don’t want to give up on my dreams and I don’t think it’s feasible to get in with another company or start my own but I don’t want things to keep going like this. I would love some anti workers’ input before I make a potentially life altering decision.
Edit: It seems people are conflating the term career with a traditional job. Imagine getting paid to make art or provide some sort of other entertainment you enjoy and being compensated well enough to make a living