
My (former) advisor recently had a paper published and removed me from the authors without notifying me

I don't know if this belongs here, but, here we go, because it was a lot of work! Everyone knows grad school is rife with uncompensated and UNDERcompensated labor. I was in this individual's group quite a while, during which setting up/creating the study and the data collection occurred. This individual (my former advisor) was extremely toxic and was making my and my group's life miserable to the point we had to bring in a third party to have a meeting about resolving the issues (spoiler: the issues were NOT resolved). This person felt entitled to my time no matter what time of day and was often extremely rude and liked to use intimidation as a tactic to get their way. I spent far more hours on this study than I should have. I was there for the entirety of data collection and set up a key part of this…

I don't know if this belongs here, but, here we go, because it was a lot of work!

Everyone knows grad school is rife with uncompensated and UNDERcompensated labor.

I was in this individual's group quite a while, during which setting up/creating the study and the data collection occurred. This individual (my former advisor) was extremely toxic and was making my and my group's life miserable to the point we had to bring in a third party to have a meeting about resolving the issues (spoiler: the issues were NOT resolved). This person felt entitled to my time no matter what time of day and was often extremely rude and liked to use intimidation as a tactic to get their way. I spent far more hours on this study than I should have.

I was there for the entirety of data collection and set up a key part of this project on my own. After I quit the group (because I had had enough of their treatment), this person decided to remove my name from the list of authors as if I had never been a part of the study at all, and didn't notify me about any of this.

Now the paper has since been published, and they never reached out to me about it. Not any of it.

I only discovered it was published because it showed up on my social media feed.

So folks,

countless hours unpaid, put up with an extremely toxic person, and then was not credited for considerable contribution to this work. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm the only one who has had an experience like this in graduate school.

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