
I have covid, my boss has spam text me every single day that I’ve been out.

I've been out of work for only one scheduled shift while I've been down with covid. My boss has text me multiple times every day asking how I'm doing and if I've retested so I can come back. Today I was in and out of sleep for almost 16 hours. During that time period she sent me multiple messages asking how I'm feeling and if I'm negative yet. At first I thought oh wow she cares, until I found out she's supposed to be going out of town for a wedding this weekend for a former employee ( her all time favorite employee) today I replied saying I'm sorry I've been asleep and no I'm still testing positive. I get spammed back with ” well you know it's good to walk around,” and “eat lots of oranges and zinc!” She's driving me insane and now I don't really even want…

I've been out of work for only one scheduled shift while I've been down with covid. My boss has text me multiple times every day asking how I'm doing and if I've retested so I can come back.
Today I was in and out of sleep for almost 16 hours. During that time period she sent me multiple messages asking how I'm feeling and if I'm negative yet. At first I thought oh wow she cares, until I found out she's supposed to be going out of town for a wedding this weekend for a former employee ( her all time favorite employee) today I replied saying I'm sorry I've been asleep and no I'm still testing positive. I get spammed back with ” well you know it's good to walk around,” and “eat lots of oranges and zinc!” She's driving me insane and now I don't really even want to go back after the constant questioning. I even sent her a note from the ER saying I'd be out of at least the 5 days, because I was having such severe symptoms. Sorry if this is typed weird i still don't feel well but I needed to rant somewhere because she's driving me insane!

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