
You can’t fool me with a Bait and Switch.

I've been applying for publishing and editing jobs. Nothing crazy. Entry level stuff in the interest of getting out of things like retail. And I got a call today. I was So excited. The call was going so well, we were talking and things were coming easy, and then she asked “So what are you looking for in a job?” And I said that I was looking to leave retail, that I was excited to start the first steps of a career in publishing and editing. I said that I wanted to take my first steps into the industry that might help me publish my own book in the future and I heard her suck air through her teeth. You know, in that way someone does before they give you bad news? “So the position we're calling about is a sales position…-” Absolutely the fuck not. I specifically have been…

I've been applying for publishing and editing jobs. Nothing crazy. Entry level stuff in the interest of getting out of things like retail. And I got a call today. I was So excited. The call was going so well, we were talking and things were coming easy, and then she asked

“So what are you looking for in a job?”

And I said that I was looking to leave retail, that I was excited to start the first steps of a career in publishing and editing. I said that I wanted to take my first steps into the industry that might help me publish my own book in the future and I heard her suck air through her teeth. You know, in that way someone does before they give you bad news?

“So the position we're calling about is a sales position…-“

Absolutely the fuck not. I specifically have been trying to AVOID “Customer Facing” and “Sales team!” bullshit. And believe me, that is NOT what I applied for. The job I applied and submitted a cover letter for was for an Editorial Assistant position. Not this. You can't just fucking bait and switch me and think that I wont notice. I turned it down. I said that I was only interested in the job I applied for and she just went

“Oh…okay, well…if you change your mind, you can call us back…and we'll keep an eye out!”

Uh huh. Sure you will. God I fucking hate the state of things right now.

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