I started work at a large grain farm 4 months ago. It was a great first step for me, as I had just moved into the area.
The timing for my job were perfect. It was middle of harvest season, and the workload was huge. We averaged about 14-16 hours a day, and often going longer on Saturday nights. Saturday nights usually stretched into Sunday mornings. Now I know a farmer is going to harvest while the weather is good, and I agree with that. What I didn't like are these points:
-No overtime pay.
-No shifts so the morning crew could go home and have an evening crew pick up after them.
-You have to do everything on the fly. You ever drove a semi with a super b trailer before? Ok, today you learn. Broke a hose on the combine? Here, you're the mechanic today. And heaven forbid the boss should get a drop of oil on his clothes.
-Benefits, tokens of appreciation, or anything to make work life easier were minimal. I can count the coffees and burgers and pizza the boss bought us during harvest.
Now I work at a shop, doing farm equipment service. I have a team of experienced techs who walk me through my jobs as I learn. They are all friendly folks, and it's been going great so far. The advantages so far:
-Same pay as previous job.(until probation ends)
-I work 9-5, and no weekends.
-After probation (3 months) I get a wage review and also full health benefits. (Dental, eye care, even funeral)
-I get sweet deals on farm equipment I might want to buy.
-Parts for vehicles that we stock are also subject to employee discounts.
-All employees get free lunch on Fridays, courtesy of the boss.
Now if that isn't a change for the better, I don't know what is !