
PIP update meeting tomorrow- need advice

So basically I got put on PIP (performance improvement plan) last month because my HR manager got embarrassed that she snapped on me for a mistake that was actually hers and I corrected her. She than set up this PIP on the basis that she saw me on my phone and that I made mistakes on the job. They than said they would suspend my WFH privileges and would “redetermine them once I met the criteria of improvement”. My manager and director have both stated that they think I’m doing above and beyond. They’ve been happy with my performance and desperate for me to stay since the other person they did this to walked out the same day they received their PIP My 30 day re-evaluation is tomorrow and I’m anxious. On the one hand I want to think that meeting their criteria and positive feedback should be enough for…

So basically I got put on PIP (performance improvement plan) last month because my HR manager got embarrassed that she snapped on me for a mistake that was actually hers and I corrected her. She than set up this PIP on the basis that she saw me on my phone and that I made mistakes on the job. They than said they would suspend my WFH privileges and would “redetermine them once I met the criteria of improvement”.

My manager and director have both stated that they think I’m doing above and beyond. They’ve been happy with my performance and desperate for me to stay since the other person they did this to walked out the same day they received their PIP

My 30 day re-evaluation is tomorrow and I’m anxious. On the one hand I want to think that meeting their criteria and positive feedback should be enough for me to be able to WFH again. On the other hand this HR manager is quite literally the spawn of satan and petty as hell. I’ve already missed out in doctors appointments, religious services, and have had to work through a miscarriage during this time.

So my question is- how do I stand up for myself tomorrow if they don’t let me go back to my old schedule (3 days from home)? I don’t want them to think I’m some dumb ass that’s okay with this but I also know they don’t care about how they inconvenience me. I want them to feel shame and fear at the very least.

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