
How do I stop my boss from asking me to smile?

Hello, I(23M) am a cook for a café that services members of an outdoor pool club. Due to the way the café is constructed, most of my kitchen is visible to any and all members who visit my workplace. This leads to many members interacting with me while I am trying to cook, including but not limited to: Asking for extra dressing, complaining about their food, trying to place orders directly with me, asking me to change the music, and many other things. One of my bosses doesn’t visit very often but when he does, the first thing he always asks me is “Where’s that smile?” To this man presentation is everything. While I do agree it is important, I think he focuses too much on superficial things like smiling for customers and less on things like making food that tastes good. In my 4 years at this job, I’ve…

Hello, I(23M) am a cook for a café that services members of an outdoor pool club. Due to the way the café is constructed, most of my kitchen is visible to any and all members who visit my workplace. This leads to many members interacting with me while I am trying to cook, including but not limited to: Asking for extra dressing, complaining about their food, trying to place orders directly with me, asking me to change the music, and many other things.

One of my bosses doesn’t visit very often but when he does, the first thing he always asks me is

“Where’s that smile?”

To this man presentation is everything. While I do agree it is important, I think he focuses too much on superficial things like smiling for customers and less on things like making food that tastes good. In my 4 years at this job, I’ve had few complaints and many more compliments from the members, and not once has anybody said anything about my attitude. When I’m talking to members I am always pleasant and polite and have even developed a rapport with the more sociable ones.

Despite this, my boss continues to make a habit out of asking me to smile. It’s not like I cook with a frown on my face, I just don’t feel like smiling 24/7. Is there anything I can say to him that won’t cause a confrontation and/or get me fired?

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