
Tell Me If I’m Being Unreasonable?

So, my little sister (21, a junior in college with her Bachelors of Business Administration) has been having the hardest time searching for a job. We have a mutual acquaintance who owns a business that I used to work for. This person had a job posting up for my old position, and the salary was significantly higher than when I was there. No problem at all. I let my sister know about the position, and she applies. After her interview, the acquaintance tells her that she can only pay her 12.00 dollars an hour instead of the 15-20 an hour that was posted on the job site. Why? Because she has no experience. (Did I forget to mention that she was in school for business, which is exactly what she would be doing in this role?) I am very unhappy with this acquaintance of ours for getting her hopes up…

So, my little sister (21, a junior in college with her Bachelors of Business Administration) has been having the hardest time searching for a job. We have a mutual acquaintance who owns a business that I used to work for. This person had a job posting up for my old position, and the salary was significantly higher than when I was there. No problem at all. I let my sister know about the position, and she applies.

After her interview, the acquaintance tells her that she can only pay her 12.00 dollars an hour instead of the 15-20 an hour that was posted on the job site. Why? Because she has no experience. (Did I forget to mention that she was in school for business, which is exactly what she would be doing in this role?)

I am very unhappy with this acquaintance of ours for getting her hopes up and then telling her during her interview that she wasn’t willing to pay her what she was quoted because “everyone starts at 12 dollars here.”

Full Disclosure: we live in a city in the Midwest, so 12 dollars is still above the local federal wage, although not enough to live on anymore. 15 dollars is better and is becoming the standard in the area, but I can’t help and assume that the acquaintance was trying to take advantage of her due to our friendliness towards each other. I am just so upset for her. This is not okay, and I want to report her to the job site if possible. Am I being unreasonable?

TL;DR a mutual a acquaintance posted a job for 15-20 dollars an hour salary, but only offered my sister 12. I think she is trying to take advantage of her.

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