
I got suspended from work….

Ok. Long story short. There is a manager at my work that does not like me. For the past 1 plus years of working here every time I close the restaurant I have to sign people out being the closing server. I sign “Suck it Love my name.” And never had any problems. Not until I called said manager out on some bull the night before. After I wrote “suck it”, one of the girls I work with drew a penis next to it. I was the one who got blamed. I’m really good at what I do. Work hard. No complaints. I actually did more investigating than HR. I called the girl who drew said penis. She called our GM and confessed that it was her. She got suspended too. Having my job being held over my head isn’t something I’m accustomed to. I have since been suspended and…

Ok. Long story short. There is a manager at my work that does not like me. For the past 1 plus years of working here every time I close the restaurant I have to sign people out being the closing server. I sign “Suck it Love my name.” And never had any problems. Not until I called said manager out on some bull the night before. After I wrote “suck it”, one of the girls I work with drew a penis next to it. I was the one who got blamed.
I’m really good at what I do. Work hard. No complaints. I actually did more investigating than HR. I called the girl who drew said penis. She called our GM and confessed that it was her. She got suspended too.
Having my job being held over my head isn’t something I’m accustomed to. I have since been suspended and my GM said I would receive a call from HR Monday. No call. I ask when I should expect said call. Nothing. Now I have to wait for the higher ups to show up to have a talk Thursday. All of this could have been avoided by telling me not do write that again but I think the manager I called out has something bigger at hand. This said manager is not good at their job and also works with her sister. She feeds her sister tables and gives her the best sections. Hence why I called her out. I will gladly take my licks for saying “suck it” and take time server. Anything more is excessive in my opinion. Any thoughts or questions my friends?

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