
is this payment scheme legal?

In Missouri. Teacher in Private school/ church/ 501 c3 $15,672 per year. Paid monthly over 12 months. If you stay in the employ for 12 months (no summer school, but get checks) you get 12+ an hour for the hours worked. No clock in, clock out time, so extra work of a teacher is free. But if you quit or are fired you lose the summer pay and the pay goes down to 10.20 an hour. Minimum wage in Missouri is 11.15. Teacher's students get get half to free tuition. EDIT: 4 day school week, 8 to 4. Teachers arrive 740, help with student pick up end of day.

In Missouri. Teacher in Private school/ church/ 501 c3
$15,672 per year.
Paid monthly over 12 months.
If you stay in the employ for 12 months (no summer school, but get checks) you get 12+ an hour for the hours worked. No clock in, clock out time, so extra work of a teacher is free.

But if you quit or are fired you lose the summer pay and the pay goes down to 10.20 an hour.

Minimum wage in Missouri is 11.15.

Teacher's students get get half to free tuition.

EDIT: 4 day school week, 8 to 4. Teachers arrive 740, help with student pick up end of day.

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